
6-8 Years

Make new friends and try new exciting indoor and outdoor activities.

Every week, they gather in groups called Beaver Colonies to hop, skip and jump their way through lots of different games and activities – achieving anything they set their minds to, and having lots of fun along the way.

Beaver Leaders

Each Colony of 6 to 8 year olds is led by one or two adult Beaver leaders. They are fully qualified and trained to supervise activities, keep everyone safe, and share their skills. Beaver Leaders are often nicknamed after characters from nature, books, or films, and sometimes by their real first name. Other adult volunteers are on hand to help and assist the leaders.

How To Join - 1st Wandsworth Beavers

Useful Resources


Being a Beaver

When you join Beavers, you’ll be introduced to lots of new activities, people and things. Here's everything you need to know.

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Awards & Badges

Completing awards challenges you to do more, learn more and be more. Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. There’s a badge to suit each and every Beaver.

See What's on Offer


Beavers Store

Everything you need for your young person, from uniforms and toggles to bags and water bottles.

Visit the Shop


As well as enjoying plenty of adventures, being a Beaver is about exploring who you are and what you stand for. These are big ideas, and when you join the Colony, you’ll start thinking about them by making a promise. A promise is a set of words that mean something to you, which you try to follow everyday.

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Promises & Ceremonies